Sunday, April 13, 2014

#3 Revised Summary/Plan/Update

In my results for my survey and observation, I have noticed that many people are not really aware of colorism still being present today. However, when people took my survey, I then realized that they were only aware of prejudices against those with darker skin when I made them aware of it. While observing people at the mall, I did notice that everyone was treated equally, for the most part. In some situations, I noticed that employees would go to help lighter-skinned or wealthy-looking customers first, rather than darker-skinned customers, which is completely unfair. My hypothesis was that people would not be fully aware of colorism today in our society and I think that these observations proved that. People were only aware of colorism when they were forced to think about it. I think that I am seeing these results because people are very much wrapped up in their lives and are very busy that they do not have the time to think about colorism and it is not a main priority or focus in their lives. Although some of my results varied, they were mostly similar overall.

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