Monday, March 3, 2014

#6 Article

This CNN article discusses more injustices and experiences of people victimized by colorism. Professor Ronald E. Hall mentions how colorism is becoming the new "ism", or practice, in America today. Professor Hall also gives evidence of racial discrimination against darker skinned people. One case, Felix v. Marquez, involved employees of the Office of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico in Washington. Felix, who is darker-skinned, accused Marquez, the lighter-skinned defendant, of not promoting her due to colorism.  Professor Hall also mentions how legal cases involving colorism have increased in the U.S. and also around the world. 

I think it is important for us, as a society, to evolve and move beyond this "ism" that has become present in our lives. I strongly believe that we need to move beyond this discrimination towards people with darker skin, or any discrimination at all. The media has a huge role in making seem as if it is okay to edit photos to make celebrities' skin lighter. In order to move past this, I believe we need to show that we do not support this discrimination or the media for glorifying lighter-skinned men and women. 


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